

Parasiticide paste for equines
Formula: Each 100 g contains: Closantel……….. 16.67 g;  Fenbendazole……… 8.34 g;  Excipients q.s.ad……… 100 g
Indications: Broad spectrum internal parasiticide for horses. Due to the type of association of active ingredients, Bifetacel Plus Equines can be administered to pregnant mares, animals in training, etc., without restriction of age or sex.



Formula: Every g contains: Doramectin …. 10 mg; Praziquantel ….. 150 mg;  Excipients q.s.ad.
Indications: Oral parasiticide for horses with Doramectin and Praziquantel.
Target species: Equine



IVERMIC Paste 12g
Ivermectin 1%
Formula:  Ivermectin……. 1 g
Excipients q.s.ad………..…… 100 g
Indications: Broad-spectrum parasiticide. It is indicated for the equine treatment and control of internal and external parasites.



IVERMIC S Paste 25g
Internal parasiticide for equines
Formula: Each 100 g contains: Ivermectin…… 0.4 g;  Pyrantel Pamoate…….. 38.3 g;  Excipients q.s.ad.
Indications: Oral paste nematodicide. For the control and treatment of internal parasite infections in equines.
Target species: Equines.



IVERMIC T paste 30g
Ivermectin……………………… 1.0 g
Prazicuantel……………………. 15 g
Excipients q.s.ad…………….. 100 g
Indications: Oral paste nematodicide and taenicide.
It is indicated for control and treatment of internal parasites (round and flat) in horses.
Target species: Equines.



Formula: Each 100 g contains:  Moxidectin…………………. 2.0 g; Excipients q.s.ad.
Indications:Broad-spectrum parasiticide, safe and effective for horses, that acts on mature and immature parasites. It removes large and small strongyles, ascarids, pinworms, pulmonary parasites and abomasum parasites or migrate larvae. It is effective on encysted or inhibited cyathostomes states and when there is parasite resistance to benzimidazoles.
Target species: Equines.



MOXIMIC T 12.2g paste
Formula: Each 100 g contains:
Moxidectin…………………..2.0 g; Praziquantel……………….12.5 g; Excipients q.s.ad.
Indications:  Moximic T is a safe and effective parasiticide for horses, which acts on mature and immature forms of parasites. It removes large and small strongylus, ascarids, pinworms, pulmonary parasites, gasterophilus and tapeworms. Effective on inhibited and cystic states of cyathostomes and when diagnosed parasite resistance to benzimidazoles.
Target species: Equines.